Tapered Shape Strokes in Adobe After Effects
Tapered Shape Strokes | Adobe After Effects Tutorial With the release of Adobe After Effects 17.1 in May 2020 Adobe released a new feature labeled Tapered Shape Strokes. This feature introduces new options for users to create round, wavy, and pointy strokes. Taper and Wave are introduced as new parameters for strokes thus allowing for more unique animations. Adobe’s explanation of this is confusing so let’s break it down simply. How to Use Taper Create a taper on strokes by following these steps.. Create a composition Create a shape with [...]
Using the Concentric Shape Repeater in Adobe After Effects
Concentric Shape Repeater | Adobe After Effects Tutorial With the release of Adobe After Effects 17.1 in May 2020 Adobe released a new feature labeled the Concentric Shape Repeater. This feature creates new parameters within the shape effect Offset Paths to create copies of the path. These paths can radiate both inward and outward and give more options to animation designers. The Problem Originally if you wanted to repeat shapes concentrically you would have to create individual layers and repeat them and hand keyframe every single one. Now that is nothing but [...]