Premiere Pro Tutorials

HDR in Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial

HDR in Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial With the release of Adobe Premiere Pro 14.4 in September 2020 Adobe released a feature they titled HDR for Broadcasters. The explanation of the feature is very technical and a bit convoluted according to the Adobe site. What does this mean for the average person? Well not a whole hell of a lot but it will in the near future. HDR in Premiere Pro now allows you to import, edit, and export HLG content natively in Premiere Pro targeted towards the professional broadcaster. The Problem HDR [...]

Export with Proxies in Adobe Premiere Pro

Export with Proxies | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial With the release of Adobe Premiere Pro 14.4 in September 2020 Adobe released a feature called Export with Proxies. Exports do not always require full resolution previews and utilizing this feature will help speed up your workflow. For example if you need to preview an edit for the sake of flow. This is of course as long as you create the proxies in the first place. We will have an article on this workflow coming soon. The Problem Before, if you wanted [...]

What is Scene Edit Detection in Adobe Premiere Pro?

Scene Edit Detection | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial With the release of Adobe Premiere Pro 14.4 in September 2020 Adobe released a feature called Scene Edit Detection. Originating within Davinci Resolve (a competitor of which we will also soon cover), scene edit detection takes a final video file and analyzes for cuts using machine learning. After analyzing the video Premiere will add in cuts or markers to allow for you to re-edit pieces of the video. The Problem Before, if you wanted to re-edit a video or change a clip or extract [...]

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