Generations Adventureplex Marketing Materials

The Axe Throwing Brand
Lacking a standardized set of brand guidelines, Generations Adventureplex needed a cohesive brand to move forward with marketing materials. We strived to provide a clean yet fun element of design to all marketing.
Skills Needed Branding | Typography
Categories Graphic Design
Marketing Materials
A plethora of marketing materials were created for various use cases. The front desk sometimes lacked an attendant so we designed a display that would show pricing and activities available. We also designed business cards for all the managing staff as well as a table tent to house the virtual menu. Creating these table tents was done to be both eco-friendly and allow for updates whenever necessary.
Web Updates
While all the revamping was occurring, multiple website edits were needed to reflect the various changes. In order to do this we used a mdoern aesthetic for the design as we worked to clean the backend of the site from its multiple authors and versions.

Let’s Work Together


Every project starts with an idea, and I want to help your idea come to fruition